How to fix controller joystick bounce back (Dampening method)

A@NAZOrip 3天前
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❀ This method should not, but may damage your controller by performing an incorrect operation or using wrong source material
❀ You are expected to operate with caution and bear your own losses
❀ You will void your controller's warranty by following this guide


I had my XBox 360 controller for years with an issue: whenever I give my stick a quick flick, it bounces back too quickly, and change game character to face backward of where I am aiming. This issue can be reproduced on other controllers, and visible with XBox accessories app, where for a tiny fraction of second the joystick input clearly goes to the opposite.


As stated in the title, this guide introduces a dampening method, and should work on most type of controllers.

To check if this works for your controller, make sure that:

  1. The analog stick unit should be using some kind of mechanical forces to reposition:
    • An analog stick unit:
    • joystick-unit.jpg
  2. Mechanical components are isolated from electrical components
    • For example, the XBox 360 joystick unit as a sealed bottom, and electrical components are on the side
    • joystick-bottom.jpg

Things you need

To disassemble controller

  • T8 Hex bit screwdriver (for XBox controller)
  • Razor Scraper (for XBox controller)
    • To peel the battery compartment sticker with a hidden screw underneath, without damaging the sticker
  • Other mobile phone opening tools that you have

To apply grease

  • A cotton swab or small screwdriver to apply grease
  • Any dampening grease that is more sticky than lubricant
    • They should be sticky to surface, easily holds its shape in pea-size under shaking, and supposed to be used for cars
    • They usually are not electrically conductive, so you don't short your controller in accident
    • They don't create any noticeable resistance to joystick
    • Example from
    • The-Damping-Grease-Trial-Pack.jpg
  • Tissues to wipe away original lubricants and excess grease

For testing

Steps to take

  1. Confirm that your controller is not having problems at first place
    • Open a controller testing website and test all inputs
  2. Follow an XBox controller disassembly video, here are some links that should work:
  3. Disassemble until exposure of joystick unit
  4. Move the joystick to the left-side (it should lock in place)
  5. Wipe away original lubricants
  6. Move the joystick to the other-side (it should also lock in place)
  7. Wipe away original lubricants
  8. Scoop a mini-pea-sized grease on the tip of the cotton swab or small screwdriver tip
    • Warning: the grease heap should NOT shape-shift from gravity at all, otherwise its not sticky enough
  9. After making sure the grease is actually sticky, apply it to its mechanical components
    • step1.webp
  10. Move the joystick to the other side
  11. Apply grease again
  12. Wipe away any excess lubricants
    • step2.webp
  13. You're almost done, now re-assemble your controller
  14. Confirm that your controller is not having problems after grease application
    • Open a controller testing website and test all inputs

Other takeaways

  • I've played and finished a few games without issue before publishing it
  • The only issue is that the dampening effect is going to degrade slightly after some uses

Thanks for reading, buy me a coffee if this worked!

——Buy me a coffee